Summer 2017 Bucket List


Another glorious summer is here! As an educator, Summer is the season of life in which we can stay up late, pretend for a little while that we are stay at home moms, finally get to that overdue spring cleaning, READ, be the fun mom that you wanted to be all year, cook actual meals that aren’t from a box, can, or freezer, and reconnect with family and friends. Yes, summer sabbaticals are amazing. They recharge our batteries and allow us to hit the ground running at 110% come August!

Summer is great, but it doesn’t last! In order to make the most of each summer day with Addie I find it helpful to create a bucket list (of course….). In years to come I think it will be even more fun as she will get to come up with unique and crazy adventures to add to our list each year as well.

Here is the list for this year:

  1. Make a stepping stone (We did this last year, so I would like to make it a yearly tradition).
  2. Collect and paint rocks
  3. Visit the Trampoline Park
  4. Paint Pottery
  5. Create a spa night at home
  6. Go to a summer matinee
  7. Have a Random Acts of Kindness Day
  8. Tie dye
  9. Have a picnic/tea party
  10. Go sea shelling in St. Augustine
  11. Make homemade pizza
  12. Make jewelry
  13. Go to the beach with friends
  14. Have a lazy day around the house
  15. Go to a U-pick farm
  16. Go to the open studio hours at a local kids art studio (Henny Penny or Scribble Art Studio)

We still have a little bit  more time before I go back to school. I will be sure to post our accomplishments then! What’s on your list this summer?


Stress: It’s What Holds Us Together

In a nutshell:

1. Mommy (master chef, dirty diaper director, bathing supervisor, and the list goes on…)

2. Grad School Student

3. Middle School Teacher

4. Department Head

5. Gifted Certification Student

6. Home Seller

7. Home economist

8. Moving coordinator


2014-08-10 09.26.23

I love being busy. I thrive on meeting deadlines and I totally geek out on making a killer to-do list, but even I have had to learn to say no. This week I was given an opportunity to pursue a professional goal, but after a few moments of dreaming I had to come back to the reality that I literally have NO TIME! I have a sky high revolving to do list that I don’t get finished with each day and it would be delusional to think that I could or would want to add anything else to the mix.

Since school has started it seems that Addie has made leaps and bounds of growth. She is over 23lbs and BUSY! She is moving all around the room and pulling up on everything that will stay stationary for long enough (including you if you are around)! As professionally driven as I am, I don’t want to miss out on her. She has given me more joy in my short nine months with her than the last five years of my career. I love my job, and it is very rewarding, but I have to remind myself that: It. Is. Just. A. Job. As much as I am making an impact on the students that I come into contact with each day, I am making an even greater impact on her life. I want it to be a positive one. So, if that means saying no to other obligations so that I can say yes to her, then okay. She is worth it.

I promise on one of my less busy days (haha) I will update you on my bucket list progress (or lack there of)!



First Day of School

I. Survived. The. First. Day. Of. Middle. School.

Getting back into the groove is always a little challenging. Waking up is usually easier for me on the first day, because I am still one of those kids who can’t sleep before any big event (Christmas, School, Vacations, Etc…) I was out the door 15 minutes early and had class set up and prepared before a single student showed up to my door for home room! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Class went by without a hitch today (relatively speaking) and the bell rang for dismissal after a whirl wind day. It was a pretty fabulous first day of school, but I forgot how tiring teaching is. You have to be “on” all the time. You have to be up all the time (and at 6 months pregnant that feat is becoming more difficult by the day). I am currently sitting on the couch with my feet elevated and hoping that the swelling in my feet will go down! I am wondering how comical this adventure is going to become by the time I am 8 or 9 months pregnant!

I wish all the other teachers out there a great week back to school. Say a prayer for all of us and our students. It is going to be a great year!


Can I get an amen!!??
Can I get an amen!!??

Feeling Pretty Accomplished!

My INFOGRAPHIC for open house!
My INFOGRAPHIC for open house!

Open house at the STEM Academy is tonight! We have worked hard this week and are so excited to meet these great students who are the first to experience the awesomeness that is STEM education here in Savannah!


Whew!! Ok, the open house is over and everyone is gone. All but 16 8th graders showed up with there parents! Many of the parents were so excited about the school that they said they wanted to actually come to school with their child because the classes seemed to awesome! I can’t believe how blessed I truly am to have I job that I love! (Now I need to go rest before Monday’s madness begins!)


Here are just a few pics from the night!







Here is layout of the building. Our pictures show where our classrooms are located within the school! You can use a QR code scanner to scan our face and watch a video of us!


Use your QR Code Scanner on your phone and watch my welcome video!!!