Life Lately….

Life has been complicated, busy, tiring, and lots of emotions in between here lately. Between 3rd trimester, testing season, and ending the school year, I haven’t had very much free time or R & R. Although this seems like a short season of sacrifice I am, and continue to be thankful for family and friends who continue to love on and support me. Here is just a little bit of what we have been up to….

  1. Painting, sight words, and piano practice with Addie and Mommy nights while Dad is working….
  2. TESTING with my most-bestest-testing-friend!!!!
  3. Prepping Eleanor’s room for her big arrival
  4. Slip-n-sliding
  5. Friend Babyshower with Tea at Gryphon
  6. Ella in Wonderland-themed shower with family and friends
  7. Addie’s first piano recital
  8. Addie & Daddy Fridays…with fishing!
  9. Funtimes in the mud at Granny Mary’s

Now, onward to Summer and lots of new adventures with Waring, Addie, and Eleanor!





This is 31….

When you are 31 years old an also 31 weeks pregnant, THIS Is what your birthday looks like:

  1. Wishing you were a mermaid and living vicariously through your latest TJ Maxx impulse purchase mug…
  2. Eating ALL the sugar in the stadium during a rock concert. Waring made it a point to note that I was the only one we saw eating a candy apple while rocking out to the Foo Fighters…. Sorry, not sorry!
  3. Listening and watching one of the top rock performers of the last 25 years…
  4. Prepping for state testing, which happens to occur right around your birthday celebration season…Yay!
  5. Loving special moments with your soon-to-be big sister who is getting bigger and bigger every day…

At 31 weeks I am certainly feeling PREGNANT these days! I am tired ALL the time, and swelling bigger and bigger by the moment. Addie tells me everyday that she misses Eleanor and can’t wait to see her soon. I have to agree! Each passing year I am thankful to get to spend time with those who mean the world to me. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings!

