Addie’s First Road Trip

Last weekend Baby Addie, Hubby, and I packed up to surprise some of our very best friends with a surprise weekend visit! We booked a lake house, packed the car to the gills, and made the 2 1/2 hour drive after work. Addie was such a big girl on the trip, and didn’t cry the entire time. She liked to look out the window, and when that got boring she decided that she would take a nap!

Being a in a different state didn’t shake up her good sleeping habits either! She slept from 10pm to 6am both nights! YAY!

We were so blessed to get to spend the weekend throwing a surprise shower for our friends Drew and Audra, who are expecting Baby Samuel very soon! Good food, good friends, and good fun! I feel so blessed to have had this little mini adventure!

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