Why I Put the “Little Things” on my Bucket Lists



This weekend was a slow and relatively lazy weekend for our family. We spent time hanging out at the house and ate lunch around town before I went to work the Prom. Even though there were no tri-state adventures on the to-do list for the weekend, we still had quality family time and I even managed to cross of a bucket list item. I found the cutest pot set at TJ Maxx, purchased some thyme, lavender, and mint at Home Depot, and BAM….instant indoor mini herb garden!

Now, I know that you may be thinking that this isn’t a really big deal. I mean who really cares about a few tiny plants sitting in my kitchen? Well, I do! The whole point of an annual bucket list for me is to add a big of novelty/whimsy into every day life and to live with intention. Sometimes that means planning elaborate trips around the country or the world, but more often it means trying something new, getting outside of my comfort zone, or working on a project/skill that will bring fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment. Small and simple bucket list tasks like the one I have crossed of this weekend bring so much joy to my life and help add a sense of intention, accomplishment, and fun into otherwise uneventful weekends.

Thank you, Lord for another weekend with my family!

Road Trip Adventure Log: 4 New States in 4 Days

Well, it is official…. I only have EIGHT more states to go until the big goal of setting foot in all FIFTY STATES is complete!

My husband, Waring, was such a trooper on this trip. He knows I have been itching for adventure lately and dying to get some more states crossed off the list. Although driving to Oklahoma and back in a four day weekend was probably not his 1st choice for a fun-filled family vacation, he buckled in and took to the road just for me!

We set out after a small group bible study at our house on Thursday afternoon and drove to Atlanta for the night. We woke up before sunrise the next morning and headed to Memphis, TN. We stopped for famous Memphis dry rub BBQ for lunch and a quick art studio paint session for Addie before hopping in the car again bound for Bentonville, Arkansas. We swam in the hotel pool (Addie’s favorite) before crashing for the night. On Saturday we stopped at two donut joints before noon, cruised along historic Route 66 in Oklahoma, made it across the Kansas state line, and spend the afternoon in Branson, Missouri. The Ozark’s were beautiful to ride through and Branson did not disappoint with its kitsch. Addie (and Waring) wore themselves out at Fritz’s Adventure Park before making the drive back to Memphis, TN that night. Sunday we spent the day exploring Memphis sights and attractions before heading back to Atlanta, GA. Monday morning we headed to the Atlanta Children’s Museum for a little exploration before making it back home around 5pm that evening.

My goal this year was to knock out 2 new states. I really wasn’t sure if that was going to be possible at all, considering I am not allowed to travel after the end of April and soon after we will have a brand new baby to celebrate and party (stay up all night) with. I know it sounds like our trip was a whirlwind…and it was…but it was also a great deal of fun and adventure. I am so thankful for my husband, who puts up with and even encourages my hair-brained schemes.

PS: Addie is turning out to be a great little road trip warrior!



1st Bucket List Adventure of 2018: Float Therapy

  1. Try Float Therapy at Remedy Float in Savannah. This ancient technique has been around for a while, but it involves resting in a water chamber that is filled with one thousands pounds of salt so that it is IMPOSSIBLE to sink. You float in darkness and with complete sensory deprivation. It is supposed to be incredibly relaxing and safe for pregnant women!—-CHECK!!! This experience was AHHH-mazing! February 2018=Self-love in a (salty) tub!


Thanks, Jennifer for being crazy enough to try this out with me! Remedy Float is located downtown Savannah, nearby the Savannah Civic Center. They have a neat setup, that is complete with a green tea station, yoga room, and two float chambers. The concept is pretty straight forward. After a quick shower to rinse off any perfumes, soap, etc.. you take a 60 – 90 minute soak in a highly-concentrated salt bath chamber. Float therapy hinges on the concept of sensory deprivation, leading to an other-worldly sense of relaxation. The water in the float chamber is so highly concentrated with salt that you literally CANNOT sink. You will float in 95 degree water for your session in complete darkness and silence.

To be honest….the whole concept seems a bit scary, but it was not at all! I was so relaxed the receptionist had to bang on the float chamber in the room beside me to wake me up! Floating in nothingness made me so aware of Eleanor’s movements inside of my belly. I found that I could focus and was more aware of her when all of the outside chaos disappeared. I could also feel tension in my shoulders and neck that I wasn’t cognizant of prior to floating. In short, it was amazing. I will definitely be back!


2018 Weekend Warriors

Since Waring is now in grad school and testing season is about to kick off, our weekend family days are sacred. Here are just a few things that we have been up to so far for the first two months of 2018:

  1. January Beach Trip #1


2. February Beach Trip #2


3. Girl’s Spa Night


4. Valentine’s Family “Fancy” Dinner


Addie says “Family Days” are the best, and I have to agree!