Wanderlust Wednesday: Ireland

Today went down in the books as another fun summer day with Addie and family! Her cousin Aubrey is in town for the 4th. They swam until they dropped today at the Splash in the Boro.


While I do like celebrating Independence Day in the USA, I have to admit that I do miss bringing in the 4th in Ireland while Waring and I were on our honeymoon EIGHT years ago. I miss this place… Maybe we will make it back there for our 10th year anniversary. A girl can dream….

5 Reasons Why I Love Ireland (and you should too):

  1. Round-abouts and left-sided driving make everything more interesting
  2. Bed & Breakfasts are WAAAY cooler than hotels. Each host is a treasure trove of knowledge and each place seems to have a sweet dog as their mascot.
  3. Small town vibes are everywhere. You can explore the country by traveling from town to town and not feel overwhelmed.
  4. Absolute 360 degrees of beauty EVERYWHERE you look.
  5. When the heat index is over 100 degrees here in Georgia….the high is a crisp 60 degrees in Galway.

Wish I Were There Wednesday: Doolin, Ireland

All of the rain here in South Georgia has got me thinking about our stay on the Emerald Isle. In 2009 Hubby and I spent a week traveling across the country wondering as many narrow roads and footpaths as possible to see the beauty that was/is Ireland. One of our favorite little spots was the town of Doolin. We stayed at a beautiful B&B, ate great food, and listened to traditional pub music (which is supposed to have originated in the town many years ago!) I hope that we will have a chance in about six years to celebrate our 10 year anniversary and relive these great memories once more.

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