2020 Bucket List Item #9: Make My Own Candles

This year I want to channel my inner eight year old. I want to explore, discover, make, and play. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, I want to make each moment matter. I want to add meaning to the margins. Sometimes that means waking up early on a Saturday morning to wash out old jars and try my hand at being a chandelier.

It turns out I am not that bad at all! A little essential oil, some soy wax, my favorite wood wicks, a few old jars, and we are in business. I really can’t believe how simple it is to learn something new. All you need is the internet and a willingness to try new things. This year’s bucket list is all about CHOOSING THE BIGGER LIFE. Candles today, the world tomorrow. Bring it on!

candle making


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