Best Friends Throw The Best Baby Showers!!

Look how cute these invitations are! It is a Halloween book themed shower! The guests are asked to bring a book for Addie and dress in there favorite storybook character, and I will be dressed as the librarian!!! The sweetest part of the whole thing is that they made book plates that can be pasted in the front of each book that is given so that Addie will know how much she is loved.


Glucose Test and Good Times

Last night I was already feeling grumpy because I knew that I would have to fast until noon in order to take my lovely glucose test. Not to mention that in addition to the glucose test blood work, I would also be receiving my rhogam shot because I have a negative blood type. All in all, you could say that I was thrilled….

Looking back on the day however, it wasn’t all that bad. I was able to take it all in stride and got a very good report from the doctor. Baby Addie and I are doing well and the doctor is pleased with our progress…so yay!! To celebrate one of my very best bestie came and had a visit that was long overdue. We ate the BEST macaroons in Savannah, feasted on their cuisine, explored some local consignment shops, and bought the last of Addie’s nursery decor at Target. The evening has been capped off with Subway night (a new tradition apparently since it is Subtember this month), a trip to the library, and a nice warm bath. Does it get any better than this??

mariah mariah 2 soup


This gal is feeling blessed tonight. Have a happy weekend!

Totally Impractical Baby List

This week marks the beginning of an adventure into the unknown world of the THIRD TRIMESTER!!! On one hand I can’t believe how fast the past six months have flown by, however the thought of being pregnant for another three months seems a bit daunting! Everyone I know keeps telling my how hard it is, and much I am going to hate it….it seems pretty hard to stay positive with those kind of comments, but I am going to try my best.

Baby Updates

-Holy baby bump!? (It seems that Baby Addie has decided to announce herself to the world and overnight I have a basketball underneath my t-shirt!)

-I get my shots, glucose test, and more blood work next week 😦

-We are debating about whether we want to go to the child birth classes at the hospital or not…(can’t I just youtube some information or something!!??)

-The baby room is almost complete (minus the curtains and a few decorative touches).

-I am getting excited about upcoming showers and the chance to see friends from out of town again!

-Baby Addie is kicking a lot, and if I put a flashlight up to my belly she goes crazy! She also really likes bath time (just like her mommy!)

Totally Impractical Baby List

Yes, I have read all of the best baby blogs and books on what to buy for your baby at different stages and etc… But this list isn’t about practicality, it is just about fun. Hubby and I have done very well ( I think) over the past few months. We have resisted the urge to by the baby a single article of clothing, because it seems like there are much more practical items that need to be acquired before we venture into the world of pink tutu’s and “Daddy’s Little Girl” onesies. I am sure that this baby will have a better wardrobe than me before it is all said and done. However, with the baby almost here, I have decided to cut myself some slack and allow myself to look at all the adorable little baby shops on Etsy and I think over the past few weeks I have added dozens of items to my “favorites” list. Yes, these are pretty impractical baby items, and are certainly not considered necessities…but aren’t they fun!?

Sweet Kiddo Co
Sweet Kiddo Co
Friends of Socktopus
Friends of Socktopus
Feather 4 Arrow
Feather 4 Arrow
Mart Baby Accessories
Mart Baby Accessories
Made By Eden Grace
Made By Eden Grace
Sweetheart Sunshine
Sweetheart Sunshine
Ginger POP Bowtique
Ginger POP Bowtique
Inspired By Zoelle
Inspired By Zoelle
Gentry's Closet
Gentry’s Closet
Sweet Kiddo Co
Sweet Kiddo Co

Pregnancy Confessions….

I will be six months pregnant next week. That feels very weird to say….and even stranger to live out. I feel like my belly isn’t HUGE yet, however I am already starting to be uncomfortable sleeping at night, and Hubby complains that Miss Lily and I are hogging the whole bed. When I wake up I feel like I have ran a marathon…EVERYTHING HURTS! But, I am convinced that this and the constant heartburn are normal, so bring it on third trimester!

As I get ready to begin month six, I have just a few confessions to make. Remember…this is a NO JUDGEMENT BLOG! (If ya don’t like it…don’t read it!)

Confession #1: It still doesn’t feel real. I am pretty sure they are going to send me home with a little human in about three months and it STILL won’t feel real…but I will let you know how THAT goes when the time comes.

Confession #2: I love CHERRY COKE from Sonic! Yes, I know caffeine is apparently the devil for pregnant women, but my doc said 8oz of caffeine a day is fine. She probably doesn’t want me drinking all the sugar in cherry coke…but a small Sonic Cherry Coke once or twice a week is fine. DO NOT JUDGE ME! DO NOT LECTURE ME! I stick to my recommended caloric intake for the day, steer clear of most other junk foods, don’t give into cravings for chips and dessert (that often), and I exercise several times a week! LET. ME. HAVE. THIS. ONE. THING!

Confession #3: I don’t like feeling helpless! I think a lot of mothers-to-be enjoy being waited on, catered to, looked after, and worried about…BUT NOT ME! I would much rather feel like I have the independence to pick up a sack of potatoes, eat what I want, and do what I want without consulting a physician! I can’t even use my normal face wash or take Ibuprofen!!! YEESH!

Confession #4: There is not a stitch of pink in Baby Addie’s nursery. No, I am not one of those “pink haters,” but it just seems like there are only four colors in baby world (pink=girl, blue=boy, green/yellow=gender neutral). Addie’s nursery is nautical, so we will use gray and navy blue with accents of coral and yellow…but not hot pink. Yes, she will have pink clothes, and blankets,and toys I am sure. Like I said…I don’t hate pink.

Confession #5: I forgot what #5 was….(Just kidding), but this whole pregnancy brain thing is for real! Yesterday morning alone I tried to pour cereal in Hubby’s drink cup (witch his drink still in it) and put the jelly lid on the butter! I think it is more absent-mindedness than anything, but it makes me feel a little cray-cray!

Confession #6: I like mother earth, I try to eat “clean” when I can, and I recycle, but I am not into the whole natural childbirth. Yes, I am well aware that you, someone your know, or your mother may have given birth to a 10lbs baby at home, in a bath tub, at the birthing center, or without any pain mediation….BUT THAT AIN’T GONNA BE ME SISTA! Sign me up for epidurals-r-us!


I think that is probably enough for now….and I am ready for nap!

Hmm....seems about right!
Hmm….seems about right!

What’s In a Name?



Hubby and I have been set on baby names for a while now. Baby Harvey will be named after two of the most influential women in my life, my two grandmothers. They have both (in very different ways) molded me into who I am today. I hope that my daughter takes after these ladies who are truly Proverbs 31 beautiful women inside and out.

But a few days ago I started wondering what Baby Harvey’s name would actually mean, and what that would say about her character. Here is what I found:

Adeline Faye

Adeline (German origin) means Noble

Faye (English origin) means Confidence, Trust, or Belief

What a beautiful thought!!

Here is a bit more that was said on the site just for fun (we will see how accurate it turns out to be!)

“People with this name are excited by change, adventure, and excitement. They are dynamic, visionary and versatile, able to make constructive use of freedom. They fight being restricted by rules and conventions. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, intelligent, and to make friends easily. They may be changeable, restless, untidy, and rebellious.” (


In related news: My visit to the ultrasound yesterday showed the baby measuring consistently a 1.5 weeks bigger in all areas of her body and therefore they needed to move my due date up to the end of November. So, I went from being 20 weeks pregnant to 21 weeks pregnant right there in that doctor’s office. Wow! This pregnancy is flying by!