Mother-Daughter Bucket List

mommy daughter bucket list

T-minus nine school days left until Summer! My students this year have been great, and my school is fantastic, but I am still looking forward to Summer Break more than I ever have. I am looking forward to sleepy, pajama-filled days, picnics, swimming in the pool, and adventures with Mom, AJ, and Addie.


All this daydreaming about Summertime fun has got me thinking about what excitement Addie and I have to look forward to in the years to come. I don’t want to waste any of this previous time that God has given me with my sweet girl, so of course I have made a list. The best part about this list is that very soon I will have lots of help adding ideas to this list as I get to know Addie and her personality.

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Here’s what we have so far:

1. Take pics in my wedding dress

2. Throw a tea party

3. Plant a garden

4. Make a livingroom fort out of sheets and blankets

5. Bake holiday cookies

6. Pick blueberries

7. Have breakfast in bed

8. Go on a movie date

9. Stay in our PJs all day

10. Fly a kite

11. Spa night at home

12.  Shop for prom dresses

13. Plan her wedding

14. Summer Camp Fun

15. Visit the zoo

16. Visit an aquarium

17. Cook dinner together

18. Craft night

19. Make a sand castle

20. Pray nightly

21. Read together

22. Visit the library

23. See a play

24. See a ballet

25. Go yard saling


****This is a work in progress. What else should we add?

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Another Bucket List Item Bites the Dust!



I hate running. I REALLY LOATHE IT, but we did it. Hubby, baby, Justin, Meredith, and I ran our first 10k this weekend! I never really thought that I would be able to run 6miles….without…stopping…. 


This past weekend was pretty much perfect. We surprised our friends in Columbia again (they are just too fun to surprise…) by coming up to see them and their brand spanking new little boy for the weekend. We rented our home away from home on Lake Murray, ran a 10k, and got to hold Audra and Drew’s little peanut, Samuel. And even though we were surprising them, I got a cookie cake and a fun birthday present from the new parents.Image

I am so blessed to have such loving friends who would remember my birthday in the midst of their own celebration, and friends who are willing to run for miles week after week to help me cross a goal off of my bucket list. 

This running journey has taught me a lot about myself in the process. For me, a lot of my struggle running is my mind. If I can get outside of myself and focus on the rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement I can make it much farther that I ever thought possible. I think my struggles with running parallels my relationship with Christ. Sometimes I am so consumed in the struggle and mess of every day life. If I focused on the presence of the holy spirit and Christ’s hand in my life I would be able to accomplish so much for for HIM. 

This week I will celebrate the accomplishments of the past weekend, but keep my eyes looking forward to the future!