Bucket List Opportunity on the Horizon….

For some reason this year, I put “go to an epic concert” on my 2013 Bucket List, with no plans of attending any major event. I had a passing thought about going to Bonaroo…(and then we found out we were pregnant…and the thought passed rather quickly!) Then, my bestest went to a truly epic Paul McCartney concert, and fulfilled a life-long dream! But, alas….the year is half way over and I still had no big plans….until….tonight….


My husband and I have always thought it would be awesome to go to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, but they seem like they are always touring on the other side of the world…until SEPTEMBER! They are going to be at Music Midtown Festival in Atlanta this year! I am so excited! Yes, I will be pretty pregnant…but I can still rock…right?? I think crowd surfing may be out this time though.



So excited! Anyone else got an EPIC Concert planned for this year? Let me kno!

Summertime is the Season for LISTS!

Summer time to me means: travel and new experiences, icee pops and watermelon, suntan lotion and salty air, sleeping in and snuggling with my furbaby, Miss Lily, and LIST!

Many guys and gals are feeling nostalgic over past summertime memories, and children dream of all the days of fun ahead as the school year draws to an end. Why not take advantage of this precious time a and make valuable use of your time by creating a Summer ToDo List of your own.

Here are just few resources to get you started:

1. Wisebread: 10 Old School Things That Make Summer, SUMMER!

2. Parenting: 101 Fun Things To Do This Summer

3. BuzzFeed Food: 60 Things You Absolutely Have to Do This Summer

4. Huffington Post: 50 Things To Do The Summer Before You Go To College


Happy Listing!


Baby Harvey Is Gonna Wear PINK!!!

Baby Harvey Is Gonna Wear PINK!!!

This is the Pregnancy Announcement that we sent to all of our family and friends…isn’t is just adorable!

Most of the family thought is was so cute, they didn’t want to crack the egg to see what was inside.

I can’t take the credit for this though…I got the item from a famous shop on Etsy Little Elephant Crafts. https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleElephantCrafts

Working on a BIG Bucket List Item for 2013

SO, for those who know me I am a list maker extraordinaire! No, serious, I feel lost without my calendar planner and notebook. I keep by bucket list for the year with me at all times because I never want to miss an opportunity to work towards a goal. I have found that if I keep those bucket list goals visible, then they are much more likely to get accomplished! I also keep my two favorite books, 1000 Places to See Before You Die and 1000 Places to See Before You Die US and Canada, in my car with me because you never know when an opportunity to explore and adventure will arise.

I don’t want to look back at the end of my life (whether that is 60 years from now, or tomorrow) and wonder where my life went. I believe that Christ calls of each to be intentional with the life we have been given, no matter how long (or short) we may have.


With all of that being said….

My husband and I are about to embark on a gloriously adventurous bucket list task of becoming parents! We will be expecting a beautiful baby GIRL in December this year. Adeline Faye (named after my grandmothers, who are two of my favorite women role models a girl could ask for) will forever change our lives.

Because life on earth is so beautiful, and finite, and fleeting, I want to chronicle my little piece of history here with my amazing family and friends. Follow along in my journey to work towards those drops in the bucket along life’s way! I want to stay focused, but I never want to be so focused that I overlook Christ’s calling….say a little prayer for me 🙂