Our Saturday With Addie

I think I have mentioned this before, but did you know that there are only 940 Saturdays between your child’s birth and the day they turn 18! That’s it. 940…not even 1000! It really just blows my mind in a “is this real life” kind of way. Maybe I am selfish, but I want MANY more than that.


There will be many uneventful, painfully mundane Saturdays spent cleaning, doing homework, being sick, or dare I say, bored. BUT, with the finite amount out Saturday time we have I want to make them count. I want to document them..the good..the bad..the boring…so here’s a start.

Last Saturday was a good one (you know, the kind where you don’t really have anything planned so you can do whatever you want….). Addie woke us up before dawn, of course and because the weather was supposed to be yucky we decided to go on adventure indoors. We arrived at Chuck E. Cheese right as it opened. Most of the games were far too old for Addie, but honestly she had a blast just looking at the machines, seeing Chuck E. and squealing at the other kids as they ran around!

chuck4 chuck2

Next we grabbed some lunch at a new restaurant in town with Mom and Dad. By early afternoon we were back at home to let Addie get her nap out. We realized we still had a few more hours of daylight left so we decided to get a little jog in around Baker’s pond with Addie in the stroller. She loved telling the ducks “hey” and going playing at the playground on the way out. To finish our busy little Saturday, we grabbed some groceries at Walmart and dinner from McAllister’s before calling it a night! WHEW! Time flies when you are having fun. Here’s to next Saturday!

A Glimpse into our Christmas Holiday…in case you were curious

I LOVE my job, but this Christmas Break was one of the most needed in my teaching career thus far! Our entire family has been burning the candle at both ends, so it was nice to get to spend a few days with Addie and Hubby. Here are just a few things that we did during our time together:

-Taught Addie how to sleep in past 6am. (She is used to waking up at 5am with us for work!!!)

truck silly face firesoccer

-Attempted to make some holiday baking classics (and a few new recipes) with Sis


-Shared LOTS of dinners, breakfasts, and lunches with family


-Had a FUN dinner with one of my FAVORITE people!

fun dinnermariah

-Made Christmas crafts with Ryder and Parker

crafts crafts1

-Spent time with friends and family from out of town

-Spent 7 hours with a crew building Addie’s AWESOME new swing set (thanks Gigi and G-pa)

swing1 swing

-Made tea with Addie in her new play kitchen (thanks Mimi and Papa)

-Pulled roots on our FUTURE PROPERTY

daddy dirt property

-Received our finalized blueprints to our NEW HOUSE

With such a great break it was easy to go to school with a smile on my face! I am so thankful for the chance to spend a few days with my favorite people. Here’s to an AMAZING 2015!

2015: Another year, Another Bucket List

I am not sure if it is just the bigger journal that I have to write out my goals in or if I am just feeling overly ambitious this year, but the 2015 Bucket List is jammed-packed!

Here’s the Plan:

1. Be more thoughtful (create a thankful box and plan to send more cards, flowers, letters, and thoughtful gestures each month).

2. Read 15 books (2 personal finance, 2 parenting, 3 devotions)

3. Learn to sew and making something for Addie

4. crochet a blanket

5. Build our dream home

6. Visit 2 new states

7. Celebrate 10 wacky holidays

8. Go zorbing

9. Take Addie on her first trip to Disney (to visit Mariah)

10. Go see Tori and John in Winston-Salem

11. GO see Audra, Drew, and Baby Samuel

12. Hang glide,

13. Triathalon

14. Krispy Kreme Challenge

15. Plant hydrangea and bougainvillea

16. Fine my “signature dish”

17. Complete 2 Minimalist challenges (more on this later)

18. Create a will

19. Complete at least 2 100 Day Challenges (more info to come)

20. Celebrate the Highland Games

21. Stick to a budget ALL year

22. Dye my hair a crazy color

23. Start and keep a prayer journal

24. Get a henna tattoo

25. Give up soda (again)

26. Get to happy college weight again

27. Brush up my Spanish for the mission trip

28. Put Waring second only to God

29. Get our home’s first nativity set

30. Start an Advent Calendar

31. Learn about homesteading (Rain water collection, composting, bees, chickens)

32. Go to an stargazing event

33. Run the 1/2 marathon for time

34. Make homemade soap

35. Make our own bedroom furniture

36. Learn and use essential oils

37. Focus on 5 specific individuals all year in prayer

38. Keep fresh flowers in our new home

39. Create an emergency preparedness kit

40. Set up autodrafts into our IRA


42. Smashbook ALL year!

43. Complete the Tybee Polar Plunge!

I am excited to see where this year takes our family. We have a lot of things to look forward to this year, like finishing grad school, building our new house, and going on a mission trip with church. I know that even if  I never cross off another bucket list item that our little family is BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!