Bucket List Opportunity on the Horizon….

For some reason this year, I put “go to an epic concert” on my 2013 Bucket List, with no plans of attending any major event. I had a passing thought about going to Bonaroo…(and then we found out we were pregnant…and the thought passed rather quickly!) Then, my bestest went to a truly epic Paul McCartney concert, and fulfilled a life-long dream! But, alas….the year is half way over and I still had no big plans….until….tonight….


My husband and I have always thought it would be awesome to go to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, but they seem like they are always touring on the other side of the world…until SEPTEMBER! They are going to be at Music Midtown Festival in Atlanta this year! I am so excited! Yes, I will be pretty pregnant…but I can still rock…right?? I think crowd surfing may be out this time though.



So excited! Anyone else got an EPIC Concert planned for this year? Let me kno!