1st Bucket List Adventure of 2018: Float Therapy

  1. Try Float Therapy at Remedy Float in Savannah. This ancient technique has been around for a while, but it involves resting in a water chamber that is filled with one thousands pounds of salt so that it is IMPOSSIBLE to sink. You float in darkness and with complete sensory deprivation. It is supposed to be incredibly relaxing and safe for pregnant women!—-CHECK!!! This experience was AHHH-mazing! February 2018=Self-love in a (salty) tub!


Thanks, Jennifer for being crazy enough to try this out with me! Remedy Float is located downtown Savannah, nearby the Savannah Civic Center. They have a neat setup, that is complete with a green tea station, yoga room, and two float chambers. The concept is pretty straight forward. After a quick shower to rinse off any perfumes, soap, etc.. you take a 60 – 90 minute soak in a highly-concentrated salt bath chamber. Float therapy hinges on the concept of sensory deprivation, leading to an other-worldly sense of relaxation. The water in the float chamber is so highly concentrated with salt that you literally CANNOT sink. You will float in 95 degree water for your session in complete darkness and silence.

To be honest….the whole concept seems a bit scary, but it was not at all! I was so relaxed the receptionist had to bang on the float chamber in the room beside me to wake me up! Floating in nothingness made me so aware of Eleanor’s movements inside of my belly. I found that I could focus and was more aware of her when all of the outside chaos disappeared. I could also feel tension in my shoulders and neck that I wasn’t cognizant of prior to floating. In short, it was amazing. I will definitely be back!


Best Friends Throw The Best Baby Showers!!

Look how cute these invitations are! It is a Halloween book themed shower! The guests are asked to bring a book for Addie and dress in there favorite storybook character, and I will be dressed as the librarian!!! The sweetest part of the whole thing is that they made book plates that can be pasted in the front of each book that is given so that Addie will know how much she is loved.


3rd Trimester Bump Present

After a long Monday (which included locking myself out of my house at 6:30am, a 3 hour meeting after a full day of work, and a mini panic attack from all of the grad school work that I have upcoming…) it was so sweet to come home to this little package at my door. I do have the best friends/support group a gal could ask for! Thanks Tori for the pretty earrings!! I love them and you! Thank God for good friends!


Tis the Season, FOR WEDDINGS!

What a crazy season the last nine months have been for Hubby and I! We have been in more weddings in the past 9 months, than I have any other time in my life COMBINED! I have been surprised at how beautiful and unique each of these weddings have been. When I think back to each of these weddings, I am amazed about how I can see elements of their personality shining through in each of their special days. I have been praying for these ladies and the lucky men that get to be called their husbands for a while now. I know that God has amazing things in store for their future.

Here are just a few pics of the amazing/crazy/joyous occasions:

Kristen and Trey (October 20, 2012)

The couple got married in a little wedding chapel on Tybee Island.
The couple got married in a little wedding chapel on Tybee Island.
Really...are there even words to describe this picture?!!?
Really…are there even words to describe this picture?!!?
The brides father almost didn't make it to the wedding for health reasons, but it was so special to see him walk his beautiful daughter down the aisle. Both families are the epitome of Southern hospitality and charm.
The brides father almost didn’t make it to the wedding for health reasons, but it was so special to see him walk his beautiful daughter down the aisle. Both families are the epitome of Southern hospitality and charm.

Katie and Josh (November 17, 2012)

This describes their personalities to a tee!
This describes their personalities to a tee!
Katie and Josh are very artistic! If you look closely in the flowers you can see the ones made out of antique music paper! All the personal touches in this wedding really made it a special day!
Katie and Josh are very artistic! If you look closely in the flowers you can see the ones made out of antique music paper! All the personal touches in this wedding really made it a special day!
If you look REAL closely, you can see Hubby and I!
If you look REAL closely, you can see Hubby and I!
This couple is such a hoot! So retro!
This couple is such a hoot! So retro!

Meredith and Justin (May 18, 2013)

All of the decorations were hand crafted by the bridesmaids, the bride, and her sister! It was a work of love!
All of the decorations were hand crafted by the bridesmaids, the bride, and her sister! It was a work of love!
These guys are too sweet! Justin sang a song her wrote as Meredith walked down the aisle AND they had a foot washing ceremony!
These guys are too sweet! Justin sang a song her wrote as Meredith walked down the aisle AND they had a foot washing ceremony!
Justine and Meredith are some of the most giving and caring people I have ever met. They are going to do amazing things for Christ, I just know it!
Justine and Meredith are some of the most giving and caring people I have ever met. They are going to do amazing things for Christ, I just know it!
16 bridesmaid and 10 groomsmen...they almost couldn't get us in one shot together!
16 bridesmaid and 10 groomsmen…they almost couldn’t get us in one shot together!

Laurelee and Paul (July 6, 2013)

This is how Paul proposed! He is a keeper!
This is how Paul proposed! He is a keeper!
The wedding party looked great in their khakis and cowgirl boots! (I am not in this picture....but it is a LONG story...)
The wedding party looked great in their khakis and cowgirl boots! (I am not in this picture….but it is a LONG story…)
Laurelee and Paul got married at Bethesda Boys Academy, where her grandfather was formerly headmaster!
Laurelee and Paul got married at Bethesda Boys Academy, where her grandfather was formerly headmaster!
This wedding was all about Southern sophistication and style. The reception was brunch food, and it was GREAT!
This wedding was all about Southern sophistication and style. The reception was brunch food, and it was GREAT!

Trish and Ryan (July 27, 2013)

Trish and Ryan were married last weekend at the Savannah Yacht Club! The music and food was amazing. They left at the stroke of midnight!
Trish and Ryan were married last weekend at the Savannah Yacht Club! The music and food was amazing. They left at the stroke of midnight!
There were many more bridesmaids than this, but these girls have been friends since high school, and some even earlier! They take a picture in the same position as one they have from high school. This is their 15 year picture!!! How sweet!
There were many more bridesmaids than this, but these girls have been friends since high school, and some even earlier! They take a picture in the same position as one they have from high school. This is their 15 year picture!!! How sweet!
Trish (my sister-in-law) looked amazing in her dress, although I think she would look gorgeous in anything!!!
Trish (my sister-in-law) looked amazing in her dress, although I think she would look gorgeous in anything!!!

After the many hours of planning, prepping, rehearsing, and partying, I can’t believe that all of these guys are married off and beginning their new lives as newlyweds. Each of them will face different challenges and trials over the next years and decades, however they will have each other to hold onto.

Waring and I have only been married for four very short years, but when I think about the meager advice I could offer these couples,  a particular verse seems to come to mind.  Christ doesn’t warn us that we will have trials he GUARANTEES  it!  However, he follows by promising:   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33

In the years to come, I hope and pray that these couples grow stronger in Christ and as a family. I hope that they rely on Christ and their relationship with each other as they live each and every day. Waring and I feel so blessed to have been asked to be a part of each couple’s special day. My daddy once told me that weddings are special, and that I should always take it seriously and feel honored to be asked to be a part of such a special day in a person’s life. I am truly honored, and I can’t wait to share many more memories with these beautiful couples!

