Lessons and Goals for This Week

This week’s life lesson: Life doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

This week’s goal: Philippians 1:21 To live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Since returning home from vacation life has been a whirlwind of emotions. The passing of a dearly loved man in our family has shaken our little corner of the world. I want to breathe a bit deeper tonight, and drink this life in a little bit bigger sips knowing how precious and finite this life truly is.

This week I started thinking about Philippians 1:21. I want to live my life in a manner that reflects the meaning of this verse. We each have a purpose and plan on this earth, and just as the pastor said today at the funeral service, what is important in life is that we “finish the race strong.” I want to see evidence of Christ’s work being done through my life today and everyday. I want to give Christ my life and be amazed by the work that HE can do for the kingdom.

Death and eternity are humbling thoughts to ponder on, but I am so glad that my God is greater. I pray that all of our faith increases….